松茂竹苞网 > 娱乐>>Chinese firm unveils world’s first AI streaming music platform Melodio

Chinese firm unveils world’s first AI streaming music platform Melodio

2024-09-25 12:31:52 来源:松茂竹苞网 
Artificial intelligence Photo: Screenshot of the promotional material of Kunlun TechChinese technolo
Artificial intelligence Photo: Screenshot of the promotional material of Kunlun Tech

Artificial intelligence Photo: Screenshot of the promotional material of Kunlun Tech

Chinese technology company Kunlun Tech on Wednesday launched the world's first artificial intelligence (AI) streaming music platform Melodio along with an AI music commercial creation platform Mureka, another manifestation of China's emerging AI innovations.

The two products are installed with Kunlun's self-developed DiT (Diffusion Transformer) architecture music large-scale model Skymusic 2.0, which supports lyrics input of over 500 characters, generating stereo songs up to six minutes in length. 

When using the Melodio, users can input a prompt based on the current scene or mood, such as "need to boost energy during long drives" or "first cup of coffee in the morning", Melodio generate a customized song in the corresponding style. 

Mureka is a commercial platform for artists and music lovers to create, display, listen and download AI-generated songs. The creator of songs can make profit by applying to display and sell AI-generated songs in the store of the platform.

As a number of English-centered AI music tools have been published, Melodio can fill the blank in Putonghua-centered AI music sector basing on vast application scenario in China, Pan Helin, a member of the Expert Committee for Information and Communication Economy under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Aside from AI music generation tools, Chinese tech-firm ShengShu-AI and Tsinghua University in April 2024 released its text-to-video model Vidu, which is said to be the first in China that's on par with OpenAI's Sora. 

On August 1, Vidu was made available to users, featuring core functionalities which include generating videos and images from text. It offers users the choice of 4-second or 8-second video clips, with a resolution of up to 1080P. 

Data from Fortune Business Insights, a business consultation firm, showed that the global digital audio workstation market size was valued at $2.95 billion in 2023, and the market is projected to grow from $3.21 billion in 2024 to $6.34 billion by 2032, demonstrating a growing market demand for AI music generation tools worldwide.
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