
China calls for more efforts toward political solution in Sudan

2024-09-25 20:27:36 来源:松茂竹苞网   

导读Displaced Sudanese who have returned from Ethiopia, carry gallons of water in a camp run by the Unit ...

Displaced Sudanese who have returned from Ethiopia,<strong></strong> carry gallons of water in a camp run by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Sudan's border town of Gallabat in the eastern state of Gadaref on September 11, 2024. Ebrahim Hamid /AFP

Displaced Sudanese who have returned from Ethiopia, carry gallons of water in a camp run by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Sudan's border town of Gallabat in the eastern state of Gadaref on September 11, 2024. Photo: AFP

The UN Security Council (UNSC)should channel more of its energies into pushing the parties toward dialogue and engagement in search of a political solution, while helping Sudan build up its humanitarian response capacity to stop the humanitarian crisis from worsening even further, Dai Bing, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, said at a UN meeting on Wednesday.

Dai's remarks were part of his explanation of vote on the UNSC draft resolution on sanctions against Sudan.

Over one and a half years of conflicts, with no sign of de-escalation in sight, the worsening humanitarian situation on the ground has put millions of innocent Sudanese civilians in the face of multiple challenges, including war, natural disasters, and diseases, said Dai. 

In this context, the renewal of the sanction measures will go some way toward stemming the steady flow of illicit arms into the battlefield and calming down and de-escalating the situation. 

This is what the international community wants and what the UNSC has duty to do, and that's why China voted in favor of the draft resolution that was put to a vote a moment ago, said Dai.

We renew our call for the parties to the conflict to put their country and people's interests first, respect international humanitarian law to the letter, and provide maximum protection to civilians and civilian facilities without causing further harm or damage, said Dai. 

He noted that China hopes all member states will observe the arms embargo provided for in the resolution and together take constructive and tangible actions to help the country cease hostilities and return to lasting peace.

On the other hand, as China has stressed many times, sanctions are a means, not an end. They must not replace diplomacy, much less become a tool of political pressurization in the service of some countries, the Chinese envoy said. 

The UNSC should channel more of its energies into pushing the parties toward dialogue, while helping Sudan build up its humanitarian response capacity, said Dai. 

Dai urged that international community should respect Sudan's sovereignty and territorial integrity and try to secure more support and cooperation from the Sudanese government. The penholder should likewise fully respect the Sudanese government's legitimate concerns and aspirations and effectively forge greater consensus among the parties without slipping in political self-interests.

Global Times


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