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Philippine vessel's illegal behavior and despicable motive

2024-09-25 12:29:32 来源:松茂竹苞网 
Illustration: Liu Xidan/GTOn Saturday, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel MRRV-9701, which ille
Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

On Saturday, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel MRRV-9701, which illegally intruded and anchored in the lagoon of China's Xianbin Jiao (also known as Xianbin Reef), intentionally rammed into the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) ship 5205, which was lawfully implementing control measures. The Philippine vessel 9701, which had recently claimed to be facing a "humanitarian crisis" and publicly portrayed itself as a victim, immediately changed its tune after receiving an airdrop on Wednesday and provocatively confronted the CCG ship at Xianbin Jiao. 

The Philippine vessel 9701 ramming the CCG ship has seriously violated international laws and regulations. The Philippines instructed its coast guard vessel to engage in reckless behavior and intentional provocation, for the sole purpose of further sensationalizing the South China Sea issue and tarnishing China's international image. The Philippines' despicable actions disregard the safety of its own vessel and its personnel, and disrupt peace and stability in the South China Sea.

From both factual and legal perspectives, the actions of the PCG vessel 9701, involving dangerous maneuvers and intentionally ramming into the CCG ship 5205, constitute a continuation of being illegally anchored at Xianbin Jiao. This series of activities amounts to violations of China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights, seriously contravening international legal norms, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The Philippines, therefore, must bear responsibility for its internationally wrongful acts. The unprofessional and hazardous maneuvers undertaken by the Philippine vessel 9701 during the maritime encounter resulted in the collision with the CCG ship, further exacerbating the illegality of its actions and responsibility. This undoubtedly runs counter to the requirements of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, which calls for peaceful settlement of disputes, self-restraint and non-interference in regional peace and stability. 

The Philippines' despicable attempt to cause trouble at Xianbin Jiao and other reefs is obvious. It is continuously making unilateral provocations and intensifying disputes, trying to satisfy the demands of some countries outside the region seeking to unsettle the South China Sea and contain China, in exchange for vague and distant "support," "aid" and "guarantee." In order to achieve this purpose, Manila does not hesitate to take risks again and again with the safety of its ship personnel, and runs counter to the consensus between China and ASEAN countries on maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea. For an independent country, such an approach of placing hope on other countries regardless of the cost is irrational and disgraceful.

The fact that the Philippines proactively provoked and escalated the situation in Xianbin Jiao and other reefs has become the clearest answer to the question of "who is disrupting peace and stability in the South China Sea?" Manila should not underestimate China's determination to defend its legitimate rights and interests in the South China Sea, nor should it run counter to the common vision of countries in the region to peacefully resolve disputes in the South China Sea and build the South China Sea into a sea of peace. China will never tolerate the Philippines undermining its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests on Xianbin Jiao.

If the Philippines continues to misjudge the situation and make provocations, it will achieve nothing apart from putting its ship personnel at major risks and seriously damaging its own interests. The only way for the Philippines to resolve the dilemma at Xianbin Jiao is to immediately evacuate its vessel 9701 and take the initiative to bear the consequences of its illegitimate moves.

The author is a researcher at the China Institute for Marine Affairs of the Ministry of Natural Resources. [email protected]
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