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Chinese traditional cultural symbols witness Sino

2024-09-25 14:32:36 来源:松茂竹苞网 
During Nixon's 1972 visit to China, the then US president visited the Great Wall and the Forbidden C
During Nixon's 1972 visit to China,<strong></strong> the then US president visited the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Beijing roast duck was served at the banquet and two giant pandas were given to the US as gift. Chinese cultural symbols have seen China-US exchanges ever since.

During Nixon's 1972 visit to China, the then US president visited the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Beijing roast duck was served at the banquet and two giant pandas were given to the US as gift. Chinese cultural symbols have seen China-US exchanges ever since.

During Nixon's 1972 visit to China, the then US president visited the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Beijing roast duck was served at the banquet and two giant pandas were given to the US as gift. Chinese cultural symbols have seen China-US exchanges ever since.

During Nixon's 1972 visit to China, the then US president visited the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Beijing roast duck was served at the banquet and two giant pandas were given to the US as gift. Chinese cultural symbols have seen China-US exchanges ever since.

During Nixon's 1972 visit to China, the then US president visited the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Beijing roast duck was served at the banquet and two giant pandas were given to the US as gift. Chinese cultural symbols have seen China-US exchanges ever since.

During Nixon's 1972 visit to China, the then US president visited the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Beijing roast duck was served at the banquet and two giant pandas were given to the US as gift. Chinese cultural symbols have seen China-US exchanges ever since.

During Nixon's 1972 visit to China, the then US president visited the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Beijing roast duck was served at the banquet and two giant pandas were given to the US as gift. Chinese cultural symbols have seen China-US exchanges ever since.

During Nixon's 1972 visit to China, the then US president visited the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Beijing roast duck was served at the banquet and two giant pandas were given to the US as gift. Chinese cultural symbols have seen China-US exchanges ever since.

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