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A Hotter World

2024-09-25 14:20:53 来源:松茂竹苞网 
Editor's Note:The Earth has just experienced the hottest week in at least 100,000 years while World
Editor's Note:

The Earth has just experienced the hottest week in at least 100,000 years while World Meteorological Organization declared that El Nino conditions have developed in the tropical Pacific for the first time in seven years, setting the stage for a likely surge in global temperatures and disruptive weather and climate patterns. The latest numbers help prove "that climate change is out of control," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned on July 6. China, too, has been significantly affected by global warming, with a series of indicators reaching new highs, including average summer temperature, frequent extreme weather events and growing risk index, according to a yearly blue book on climate change China released on July 8. Check out our infographic to understand how the climate is changing, how the issue is affecting China and the world, and how individuals can help protect the Earth.

A Hotter World Graphics: Liu Xidan, Chen He, Tang Tenqfei, Xia Qing/GT

A Hotter World Graphics: Liu Xidan, Chen He, Tang Tenqfei, Xia Qing/GT


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