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Cave coffee shop in Central China ignites online excitement

2024-09-25 14:21:20 来源:松茂竹苞网 
Photo from media reportsA new coffee shop sets to open inside a cave at the foot of a mountain in Lu
Photo from media reports

Photo from media reports

A new coffee shop sets to open inside a cave at the foot of a mountain in Luoyang, Central China’s Henan Province, capturing broad interest of the netizens, according to Jimu News on Tuesday.

Online videos from netizens show a several-meter-high cave at the foot of a mountain, with a “café” sign posted next to the cave. 

There is also a shallow river in front of the cave, with only a rural road offering access.

The owner, surnamed Wu, said the shop is scheduled to open in early October and will include vending machines for coffee sales after its launch. 

Many Chinese netizens have praised the innovative concept while emphasizing the importance of ensuring safety.

The coffee shop in the cave has been reported to local government, as reported by media, and the specific cooperation model remains under discussion. 

Wu said that he passed by and saw this cave at the end of August, and felt an instant connection. 

After reporting to and receiving support from local government, he began construction without damaging surrounding environment.

Jimu News-Global Times

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