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Chinese Embassy condemns UK politician’s anti

2024-09-25 14:36:48 来源:松茂竹苞网 
Photo: VCGChina strongly condemned unwarranted accusations and malicious slander against China, and
China UK Photo: VCG

Photo: VCG

China strongly condemned unwarranted accusations and malicious slander against China, and urged British politicians to stop their belligerent rhetoric, and instead, focus more on domestic economic and social issues, a spokesperson from Chinese Embassy in the UK said on Wednesday, in response to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s latest anti-China remarks.

The British politician is looking for an excuse to ramp up British military spending. We firmly reject his Cold War rhetoric that incites antagonism and confrontation, the spokesperson said.

China is committed to promoting peace and justice, and has always sought peace talks and the peaceful settlement of international conflicts. China has contributed more than one-third of global economic growth consistently. China has always been committed to promoting international cooperation and maintaining world stability. These are undeniable truths, the spokesperson noted.

However, the current UK government seems to be set on stirring up troubles and heightening tension around the world. They are supplying offensive weapons to one side in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, exacerbating the situation.

The UK has repeatedly opposed resolutions calling for an immediate cease-fire at the United Nations Security Council on the Gaza issue. It shows no support for Palestine’s application for full UN membership and continues to supply weapons to Israel. The UK has forgone any sense of morality and has no concept of responsibility when it comes to matters of international peace and justice, the spokesperson noted.

We urged the UK to act in a way that is truly in the interest of world peace and justice, the spokesperson noted.

Global Times 

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