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Culture Beat: Children’s play set in Qinghai

2024-09-27 12:12:40 暂无评论
Photo: Courtesy of Nanluo The<strong></strong>ater

Photo: Courtesy of Nanluo Theater

The original children's play Black Eyes on the Plateausuccessfully premiered recently at the Nanluo Theater in Beijing. 

Set in the black-necked crane nature reserve in the Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Northwest China's Qinghai Province, the play follows the touching story of a Beijing boy named Xia Tian and his young companions from the region getting to know each other while forming deep bonds of friendship. Yushu is the home of Sanjiangyuan, or Source of the Three Rivers, which contains the headwaters of the Yellow, Yangtze and Lancang rivers. 

"Sanjiangyuan is truly a treasure, I had no idea that the water I drink every day comes from there. The scenery is so beautiful, and I want to help protect Sanjiangyuan in the future," one excited child in the audience said.

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