松茂竹苞网 > 时尚>>Microsoft’s ‘blue screen of death’ incident reveals a harsh reality: Global Times editorial

Microsoft’s ‘blue screen of death’ incident reveals a harsh reality: Global Times editorial

2024-09-25 12:31:20 来源:松茂竹苞网 
Passengers look at a screen displaying delayed flights at Barcelona Airport on July 19, 2024 in Barc
Passengers look at a screen displaying delayed flights at Barcelona Airport on July 19,<strong></strong> 2024 in Barcelona, Spain. Businesses, travel companies and Microsoft users across the globe were among those affected by a tech outage today. Photo: VCG

Passengers look at a screen displaying delayed flights at Barcelona Airport on July 19, 2024 in Barcelona, Spain. Businesses, travel companies and Microsoft users across the globe were among those affected by a tech outage today. Photo: VCG

On Friday, a global blue screen failure occurred in Microsoft's Windows operating system, causing large numbers of users worldwide to experience computer crashes. Analysis suggests that this incident may have been caused by a third-party security software update. This widespread system damage, which could potentially lead to data loss for users, is beyond a technical issue. Microsoft's "blue screen of death" incident reminds people that cyberspace is an important part of digital space and cybersecurity needs to be maintained by the international community. 

The rapid advances in information technology have led to an increasing reliance on cyberspace in human society. The field of internet information has now become a crucial component of modern infrastructure. Any threat to cybersecurity can have widespread effects on a country and its society. The recent incident involving the Microsoft Windows operating system, a platform used widely around the world. Its stability directly affects the daily operation or work life of a large number of users, including important institutions and key facilities. The Microsoft's "blue screen of death" led to disruptions reported in civil aviation, railways, and banking systems in many countries. The London Stock Exchange, West Japan Railway Company, and at least four Australian banks were among those affected. Several US airlines even had to ground flights worldwide as a result. These incidents underscore the global nature of cyber risks, necessitating a collective effort by sovereign states, international organizations, internet companies, technical communities, and the general public to face the vulnerability of cyberspace and the risks it brings. By sharing the responsibility of governance and continuously improving the level of cybersecurity, we can harness the benefits of digital technology for the betterment of people worldwide. 

With the help of information technology, the global community has become a closely interconnected network of shared interests and shared destiny. Ensuring network security requires collaboration from all actors in the international network space. Microsoft's "blue screen of death" highlighted a lack of consensus on network security governance. Relying solely on top companies to lead network security efforts, as some countries advocate, may hinder not just the inclusive sharing of governance outcomes but also introduce new security risks.

The origin of network technology can be traced back to developed economies such as the US, which were the main driving force behind the early development of the internet and also monopolized internet technology for a certain period of time. The internet giants that monopolize these technologies therefore have a strong voice in international cyberspace governance. However, the reality is that the Microsoft Windows operating system has experienced large-scale "blue screen of death" incidents more than once, which indicates that even global internet giants find it difficult to solve systemic network risks and crises on their own.

Security issues are crucial to the well-being of people in all countries, and cyberspace is a common community for human security and responsibility. It is important to note that cyberspace is not only an emerging technology and strategic field, but also an extension of great power relations. Some countries constantly talk about security, generalize the concept of security, but ignore the real security, this is ironic. Cyberspace should not fall into the trap of extreme competition or malicious suppression, but rather should promote an integration of interests based on mutual trust at different levels of the international community.

Practice has shown that in order to achieve the goal of global internet governance, it is necessary to first establish bilateral dialogues and cooperation platforms between countries, especially between relevant network powers. For example, China and the US have held multiple dialogues and negotiations on national behavior rules in cyberspace and other key international security issues. Secondly, network sovereignty is a prerequisite for multilateral cooperation in network governance, but at the same time, it is also necessary for countries to actively participate in global multilateral cooperation governance mechanisms in order to engage in dialogue and negotiations on a larger scale and seek to establish universal consensus. Thirdly, just like in many other areas of global governance, promoting global network security governance cannot be achieved without maintaining the authority and status of the United Nations. 

Some countries view cyberspace as a new battlefield for great power strategic competition, promote "decoupling" in internet technology, artificially create "small yard, high fence" network security, and prioritize value conflicts and their own strategic interests over the stability and coordination of cyberspace. The international community should adhere to the global network security governance system with the United Nations as the core platform. Countries should uphold the philosophy of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, innovate cooperation models, defend and enhance the authority and role of the United Nations, and move the global network security governance system in a more just, fair, and effective direction.

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