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Mistaken for a drug addict due his makeup, college student gets reported to the police

2024-09-25 12:31:29 来源:松茂竹苞网 
A male college student in Xichang, Southwest China's Sichuan Province, who appeared in a canteen wea
A male college student in Xichang,<strong></strong> Southwest China's Sichuan Province, who appeared in a canteen wearing makeup that made him look like a drug addict has recently sparked an online debate. Photo: Sina Weibo

A male college student in Xichang, Southwest China's Sichuan Province, who appeared in a canteen wearing makeup that made him look like a drug addict has recently sparked an online debate. Photo: Sina Weibo

 A male college student in Xichang, Southwest China's Sichuan Province, who appeared in a canteen wearing makeup that made him look like a drug addict has recently sparked an online debate. Due to his realistic makeup, internet users who mistook him for a drug addict reported his bizarre behavior to the public security bureau, which alerted the local anti-drug police.  

After receiving reports from netizens, the Xichang narcotics control office police immediately investigated the matter. But the police concluded that the incident is a mix up, the boy doesn't use drugs. His makeup was done just for fun to solicit compassion from staffers at the canteen to get more food, the investigation concluded.

In a video widely circulated on Sina Weibo, boys applied black eye shadow all around their eyes and cheeks, disguised as heavy dark circles and thin faces, and deliberately coughed at the canteen when they picked up their meals to arouse the pity of the meal staff, who help them pack more food.

Yang Fei, deputy director of the Xichang Municipal Party Committee's anti-drug office, noted that such behavior is not worth promoting, it may cause misunderstandings and have a bad social impact. 

Global Times
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