松茂竹苞网 > 时尚>>Grandpa picks up kid in LinaBell suit

Grandpa picks up kid in LinaBell suit

2024-09-25 12:25:02 来源:松茂竹苞网 
A grandfather in Wuxi, East China's Jiangsu Province, has recently attracted crowds of onlookers as
A grandfather in Wuxi,<strong></strong> East China's Jiangsu Province, has recently attracted crowds of onlookers as he was picking up his granddaughter from school while cosplaying LinaBell. Photo: screenshot of KNews on Sina Weibo.

A grandfather in Wuxi, East China's Jiangsu Province, has recently attracted crowds of onlookers as he was picking up his granddaughter from school while cosplaying LinaBell. Photo: screenshot of KNews on Sina Weibo.

A grandfather in Wuxi, East China's Jiangsu Province, has recently attracted crowds of onlookers as he was picking up his granddaughter from school while cosplaying LinaBell, a smart pink fox in the Duffy and Friends series which was introduced to Shanghai Disneyland in 2021.  

The grandpa said it was for his granddaughter's birthday that he wanted to give her a surprise. "I don't know what LinaBell is, but I do know what she likes, and I want her to be happy," he told media.

LinaBell is one of the most popular Disney characters in China, with a huge fan base not only among children but also adults who are fascinated by the cute pink fox. 

The booking channel for this Disneyland's "superstar" opened on Saturday, and people set their alarm clocks early in the night and waited patiently by their phone screens for the reservation channel to open. However, as the products were so popular, many complained that they could not get one as the bookings were full immediately.

"Cutest grandpa in the world! It reminds me of my own grandfather," one netizen said.

Global Times

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