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Elderly model competition takes lead in fashion trend

2024-09-25 12:33:50 来源:松茂竹苞网 
The preliminary contest of the 2021 Beijing Senior Model Contest was held in Beijing. Photo: screens
The<strong></strong> preliminary contest of the 2021 Beijing Senior Model Contest was held in Beijing. Photo: screenshot from Sina Weibo

The preliminary contest of the 2021 Beijing Senior Model Contest was held in Beijing. Photo: screenshot from Sina Weibo

The preliminary contest of the 2021 Beijing Senior Model Contest was held in Beijing over the weekend. As the host announced the start of the heated race, models with various styles of dresses and uniforms walked slowly down the long ramp. The 12 teams will be selected on a scoring system to compete in the final on Friday.

Judge Chen Juanhong said that although there was a gap between the senior model competition and the professional ones, it was important to see their mental outlook, healthy life attitude and understanding of fashion. 

Netizens said that such activities should be held more often to enrich the lives of the elderly. One of the contestants is 82 years old and this is her sixth time participating in the contest.

Participants told media that, "While we are not young any more, we still cannot stay at home all the time. The elderly people also need to live their life to the fullest."

Global Times

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